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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be a scary term for business owners and managers unsure of how it works and what it can do for a business. But, here at The Miner Agency we want to tell you why it matters and how we can help.

Quality search engine optimization, with a focus on your business’ deliverables, can create profit and lead internet wanderers to your digital door in seconds.

Here are the top 5 reasons SEO can save or help your business:

     5. Online referrals are the new neighbor’s recommendation

Using strong SEO, internet users could be directed to your business on the first pages of the internet’s top search engines. This allows friendly, quality reviews to also pop-up quickly and attract eyes. In the modern age, easily accessible and quality online reviews are the new normal. Think of the last time you searched for restaurants or hotels for a vacation. The best reviewed and most popular places usually show up first, alongside snapshot reviews. The two feed into each other and can directly feed your profits. SEO can put them on the internet’s front page.

     4. Local over chains

In the current economic climate, conscientious customers are shopping local over national brands and businesses. They are looking for you! SEO can put your local business in the same top results showing big name brands and box stores. When presented the choice, consumers will go local if they know it exists. SEO can help and you’re leaving money on the table without it. 

     3. Connecting the dots

The customer-business relationship is all about familiarity and comfort. Strong online presence is crucial for helping people feel comfortable with your business. With the surging influence of online reviews, ratings, and quality websites, people are looking online for validation more than ever. They want to know what kind of place they’re trusting with their money before they visit or call. SEO can help reassure them your business is a quality, trustworthy establishment with a strong internet presence. You’re judged by your peers, and SEO can move you into neighboring spots with top businesses.

     2. Out of sight, first in mind

We’ve all had the odd moment. The coincidence when you notice a tire repair sign you haven’t before, which sticks in your mind then pop! Your tire pops a few days later and you try to remember where you saw that darn sign. SEO can help turn the ‘out of sight, out of mind’ expression on its head. For example, with SEO someone searching for ‘tire repair in Warner Robins’ can be directed to your website with the right keywords and strategy. SEO can be your digital roadside sign, let it help you. 

     1. Money, money, money

The first and most important reason you should invest in SEO is because SEO can return the investment right back. SEO feeds into your online presence and can bring your business from the middling pages of search engine results right to the top. With a strong SEO strategy, you can attract new users, turn them into customers, and generate more interest in your business. It’s simple, views equal money!

See what we mean?

Search engine optimization is another tool in the belt to create financial opportunities for your business. With The Miner Agency by your side, we can turn your lackluster search results into a high-performing asset.

Association management is one of our pillars because we understand how important it is to a business owner. Clicks, views, and reviews are the new digital currency and together we can help you take them to the bank.