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Business startups eager to jump to product launch often overlook a key component of starting any business– establishing a clear brand. Branding is a tool which has been used by the business world for centuries to instill trust and name recognition for organizations and their products.

Beginning in the 80’s with companies like Apple, Reebok and Nike, branding became almost more important than the products themselves. Consumers didn’t buy Air Jordan’s for their quality stitching and high-grade rubber. They bought the sneakers because they were branded as a status symbol and a high-end product. This remains just as true today, with companies relying heavily on brand recognition to sell their products.

So, how does one establish a clear brand that stands out in such a competitive marketplace? It certainly isn’t something that happens overnight, but luckily through modern tools like social media and viral marketing, it’s easier than ever to put your company’s name out there effectively and inexpensively. 

The first step in establishing a brand is to understand your company’s mission and goals. It’s easy for businesses to get caught up is creating a cool logo, a catchy jingle, or a strong slogan. All of those things are important but ultimately premature if you don’t know what you want your company to be.

What is your mission statement? What do you want people to think of when they envision your company?

These are questions that must be considered before any definitive marketing decisions are planned out. Other questions to consider may be what causes and charities will your company support and how will your business engage with the local community. It’s important to discuss these questions with your team early on, so that a solid foundation is in place for brand success. 

Once you’ve successfully identified your mission, it’s time to spread the word about your business. Back in the not-too-distant past, businesses would have to pay exorbitant amounts of money to get their message out through newspaper ads, billboards and tv commercials. Nowadays, you don’t have to do any of that. Thanks to the internet, and more specifically social media, small start-ups can promote themselves without spending a dime on ads. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram are all examples of readily available tools to advertise your business.

Of course, setting up these pages in only the beginning. Once they’re up and you begin to accumulate followers, it’s important to maintain a steady stream of content to keep people engaged and on the hook. Written content is good, but visual content is great. Shoot some videos around the office or hire a graphic designer to produce eye-catching images and graphics that will grab the attention of your average Facebook scroller.

Another rule of thumb to keep in mind is that quality is better than quantity. It’s better to have one killer Facebook page than five inactive accounts. Stick to what’s manageable for you, get creative and have fun with it.

Engaging with your audience and forming a community is also a way to maintain engagement. Reacting and commenting when someone comments on your post, engaging your audience with questions, and utilizing the stories function of the social platform of your choosing helps your audience identify with you and your brand with every new detail.

Starting a new business and establishing a brand is no easy feat. It’s important for business owners to stay up to date on all the latest tricks of the trade to compete in this ever-changing marketplace. May these points help you in creating a successful and meaningful business that will positively impact your community. 

The Miner Agency is strives to help organizations take off in this competitive marketplace. If trying to answer some of the above questions seemed overwhelming, it’s ok! We are a perfect partner to help problem solve every step of the way.